Pop-Tarts Social Media


CLIENT Pop-Tarts
DIRECTOR Spencer Thielmann
PRODUCERS Hannah Thielmann, Spencer Thielmann
DP John Christon

The through-line direction for Pop-Tarts social media was that all the concepts should feel like organic content. Teens filming other teens. Casual and authentic, playful and spontaneous. Everything should look user generated.


@poptartsus Introducing UGLY SWEATER POP-TARTS. They’re delicious, and better dressed than you

@poptartsus the most stable home I have ever known

@poptartsus Pumpkin Pie Pop-Tarts are back throw all other pies in the trash

@poptartsus New Chocolate Cupcake Pop-Tarts are delicious and deserve respect. Toast with care

@poptartsus Love this Pop-Tarts holder as much as you love me? Tell me why in the comments. Designed by @davearmstrongart

@poptartsus Confetti Cupcake Pop-Tarts are back but real fans already knew that

@poptartsus Ugly Sweater Pop-Tarts are a thing. Now coordinate your outfits accordingly

@poptartsus Know anyone who would love this Pop-Tarts fanny pack as much as they love Pop-Tarts? Tell me in the comments.


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